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Types of Shabbat Services at Temple Beth-El

Shabbat Hallelu – Abundant and filling hors-d’oeuvres will be served followed by an uplifting musical Shabbat featuring our Temple Beth-El Musicians and a short D’var Torah.

Family Shabbat Dinner/Shabbat service – led by RLYGRS Students.

Shabbat Under the Stars – Join us as we gather together on the Julie Claire Gutterman Biblical Garden patio to greet Shabbat with song and stories.

K’tantan Shabbat and Dinner – A worship service and Shabbat dinner specially designed for families with very young children. Songs, games, and crafts to learn all about Shabbat.


When entering the synagogue for Shabbat services, there is a police presence in the lobby. If the service is outside, there remains a police presence at the entrance to the outdoor location.


Following the service, there is an oneg in the lobby or meeting hall. After the Hamotzi, everyone is encouraged to eat and schmooze.

Saturday Morning

Temple Beth-El also offers a weekly Torah study on Saturday Mornings.

Sat, December 14 2024 13 Kislev 5785