This weekend, along with Joint Reform Shabbat, Temple Beth-El will host teens from around New England and New York for three days of programming, prayer, and fun. The Parsha HaShavuah (Weekly Parsha) guided the theme. Tzav details many of the offerings that were acceptable at the alter set for Adonai around the Tabernacle. Although we do not make the same kinds of
offerings now, we use prayer, teshuvah and gratitude for our pleas. It is the internal strength to stand up and to be present.
Ometz Lev (Courage of the Heart) is the connective tissue for teens this weekend.
How do we make the right choice, even when it isn't popular?
How do we stand against the injustice we see in the world?
What do we do when we mislead, or are misled?
Thanks to all who have supported this program (housing, schlepping, organizing, recruiting, etc.).
Shabbat Shalom! Carl Shulman, Assistant Director of Youth & Family Engagement
7 p.m. Joint Reform Shabbat Led by Rabbi Sarah Mack, Rabbi Preston Neimeister, and Cantor Judy Seplowin with Artist-in-Residence Dan Nichols in the sanctuary.